For the last twenty years the Xtreme Conference team have created an outlet for youth to come and celebrate their lives with thousands of believers in the same age group and others seeking a message of truth and hope. After the first year of success in Tennessee they decided to add a venue in Branson, Missouri which has been a steady hit for the last nineteen years.
The Convention Center located centrally in Downtown, Gatlinburg has been the home of the event since it began. With passionate guest speakers, and a slew of talented musicians from mixed genre's of Christian artists, guests get served a generous portion of scripture and encouragement. On top of spoken word, the amazing groups that attend these events minister to the crowd on a whole different level. Celebrating in song the purpose behind the reason we gather together, without holding back an ounce of high energy performances.
Eddie Carswell who is one of the founding members of Newsong and his son Jake Carswell contemplated the initial idea behind the Xtreme conference. Obviously it was a brilliant thought because people flock to these events. In Gatlinburg alone, there were 19,000 total in attendance combining all three conferences and according to my inside source another 4200 showed up in Missouri.
Eddie Carswell who is one of the founding members of Newsong and his son Jake Carswell contemplated the initial idea behind the Xtreme conference. Obviously it was a brilliant thought because people flock to these events. In Gatlinburg alone, there were 19,000 total in attendance combining all three conferences and according to my inside source another 4200 showed up in Missouri.
Newsong who also self-promotes the Winter Jam Tour along with local help have one thing in mind when it comes to these venues. They want as many people as possible to be able to come and enjoy as many groups and speakers as possible. Touring costs money along with renting facilities and using equipment so obviously it cannot be free, but for all that is offered it's something you definitely don't want to miss!
This was my first time attending Xtreme for a review so I wasn't sure what to expect when we first arrived. The team who was overseeing everything greeted us very nicely and gave us our media passes and sent us on our way with an itinerary of the days events. There were youth leaders in line to register all of their students and get their required wrist bands for each day the doors open up for entry. The seating is first come first serve, so though the doors didn't open until an hour before each set, thousands lined the entry way prior, waiting to get a shot at getting the best seats they could.
I did a walk through before anyone scampered into the facility and was impressed with the way it was set up. Really no matter where you choose to sit you will easily be able to see and hear everything. That is impressive for a 7000 seat facility. While everyone waited each day for the event to start, the host was compelling everyone to take photos and #xtremewinter on their social media outlets to see if their pic would make it to the big screen. I found humor realizing my hubby and I got photo bombed in ours by this cute kid whose face is now going to be plastered on this review!
One special thing that I learned about this event is that youth groups form friendships with others staying in contact through social media and patiently anticipate seeing each other the following year. It's a great way to build fruitful friendships and keep each other accountable once the event is over.
This was my first time attending Xtreme for a review so I wasn't sure what to expect when we first arrived. The team who was overseeing everything greeted us very nicely and gave us our media passes and sent us on our way with an itinerary of the days events. There were youth leaders in line to register all of their students and get their required wrist bands for each day the doors open up for entry. The seating is first come first serve, so though the doors didn't open until an hour before each set, thousands lined the entry way prior, waiting to get a shot at getting the best seats they could.

One special thing that I learned about this event is that youth groups form friendships with others staying in contact through social media and patiently anticipate seeing each other the following year. It's a great way to build fruitful friendships and keep each other accountable once the event is over.
The first group to take the stage with a two song set was Rush Of Fools. Opening the night with a passionate cover of a Hillsong favorite, Alive followed by Take Me Over off of their latest album Carry Us Now. You can tell these guys love what they are doing and so do the people that are listening to them do it.
Second to take to the stage was Red. This was the first time I seen them live or heard any of their music so it was a new experience for me personally. Though it was almost impossible for me to grasp what they were singing, I know there are many who can. I heard a lady that was a bit younger than me say, "It would be nice if they could put the lyrics on the screen so you could at least see what they are singing."
They had a five song set starting with Feed The Machine off their 2011 album Until We Have Faces. Death Of Me off their first album Innocence and Instinct seemed to be a crowd pleaser. Lead singer, Michael Barnes shared that change needs to start in our hearts first or no one will know we are a true Christian, until we show them love.
Tony Nolan was the first speaker of the weekend and as he took the stage he said, "This is definitely not your grandma's church service." He then began to ask everyone to stare at a psychedelic picture to see if they could make out the image. He began to build into a message of how a lot of people have this blurry image of God because of the representation many people give of Christ in the world. He began to share of his personal story which was filled with a horrific childhood. Multiple stories of mentally and physically unstable and abusive biological and adoptive parents.
Growing up in the ghetto and not having a safe place to really go, the Sunday church bus basically gave him an out to go to a safe haven. Escaping the reality from the raging alcoholic father who always told him he wished he never would have adopted him.
However, his first church experience left a wretched taste in his mouth until the Word of God caused Him to see through the psychedelic picture of God that he first saw due to the misrepresentation of a few."I was on that bus and because I was not praying I got punched in the mouth. God does not want to punch anyone in the face, He wants to purchase us with His grace."
The importance he stressed of Christ fixing the broken relationship in the garden with Adam and Eve resonated that evening. Evoking the importance of Christ of many youth in their own lives who took to heart the words he spoke as he came to a close.
"You're not a body with a soul, you're a soul with a body. There is not one bad mark you can make on the paper of your life that God's blood can not erase. So many people just endure Jesus, instead of enjoying Him. Love covers a multitude of sin."
As many youth responded to the call to either accept Christ or truly surrender their lives Russ Lee, lead vocalist of Newsong introduced the call to rescue those in need through Holt International. Followed by a short intermission they introduced Reno, a new group of young men who desire to worship the Lord.
Reno impressed me with their four song set including Speak. The lead singer wrote it in the park one day feeling the presence of God in way he said he never felt before. He stated, "When God calls you to do something, He will give you gifts to accomplish it."
This group to my astonishment were trying to get support to make an album, which as good as they were I'm surprised a label has not picked them up by now. Unfortunately I could not find anything online about them to include a link for anyone to listen to their music or follow them. I hope these guys get the exposure they deserve because they are truly talented.
There was a brief intermission and introduction on the big screen for the current Winter Jam Tour and Newsong entered the stage shortly after that.
Performing some of their fan favorites, You Are Holy (Prince Of Peace), Don't It Make You Wanna Go Home, Rescue, and the amazing Arise My Love.
Jeremy Camp stormed the stage next performing a full set of nine of his most powerful melodies. He shared with everyone how important it is in today's society to study the relevant Word of God despite what others may try to say. God's word is alive and well in us and we need to utilize it. He followed that sentiment by performing Living Word Of God and Shine Bright.
He shared how he grew up in church, and when his wife, Melissa only 21 years of age lost her battle with cancer in 2001 he could only find the comfort in Christ. "Christ humbled himself and suffered so we could have new life. He knows every sting." This created the emotion for his song He Knows to be birthed and bless others. After singing There Will Be A Day Jeremy expressed a heartfelt message to the young crowd that evening.
He prayed "God show us how to walk in the boldness and confidence of your glory!", before a powerful performance of Same Power and closing out with Jesus Saves. Before the countdown began, he asked those in attendance, "What if at midnight tonight our lives were over? Maybe the year ought to be observed as if at the stroke of midnight we faced God. Would we be able to honestly hear "Well done my good and faithful servant?"
As the countdown started the crowd cheered the seconds down and Trip Lee entered with a rendition of Celebrate Good Times. Into the night he took those inside that building on a joyful journey of life found in Christ and partied with a sober mind. While folks outside littered the grounds of Gatlinburg and police monitored those whose lives cry out for a greater purpose only found in the one who gives us the peace that passes all understanding.
The next morning, for those who were able to rise to the occasion, Tom Richter unfolded a beautiful tapestry of the life of Christ. The illumination that he provided for many could open their eyes to the humility and sacrifice He walked on a daily basis. Francesca Battistelli followed with a beautiful worship service.
Taking to the stage the second night was 2015 Klove Fan Awards best live performance winners among many others, For King & Country. They are never ones to do anything short of explosive when it comes to the heart they put into their expression. Demonstrating Christ in their lives or in the performance they bring to their set of worship and celebration, giving it all they have.
As Streamers shot out above the crowd, they didn't waste anytime breaking anyone in who has never seen them perform before. Exuberantly sharing seven of their most loved songs we all know, Fix My Eyes was included in that set as well as Calling All The Messengers. They explained that they got their name from an old English battle cry for those willing to lay down their lives for their King and their Country.
The song they performed after telling this story was It's Not Over Yet, which always includes the crowd to wave their arms while helping to sing the chorus of the song. I truly enjoy this one live, which ends up getting stuck in my head for days following. Speaking of great respect for women, Joel talked about their Priceless bracelets they sell to remind young women to respect themselves and not accept anything less from a man. Luke followed that with their next number Shoulders, speaking about his illness and how he and his family draws their strength from the Lord.
One of the songs that seemed to really rear the crowd up was Proof Of Your Love. I believe this was the first time I had seen them perform this one live myself and I must say it was truly a great experience with them overall. There is a reason they are one of the best Christian performers right now. It's not all about show for those who like to try to condemn those who do explosive performances. These young men put everything they have into their concerts because they truly love the Lord and want to be exceptional in their gift and share with their hearts on their sleeves.
He opened his message with his spoken word Jesus Till I Die which is full of courageous truth and humility. He followed that by stating that people say there are dangers in speaking against false religions, but to him it makes it all worth it when one young Pakistan girl comes up and tells him she saw the video and got saved.
"Anyone who thinks the Bible is boring is boring themselves. We live in a culture that cares more about 401K and reality television than where they will spend their eternity."
He began to speak on the parable of the good Samaritan and how we can tell who are neighbor is and who the people represented that passed by the man that had been beaten and left to die.
He talked about the difference that one's life looks like who knows Jesus and the life of someone who doesn't. At thirteen he went forward and accepted Christ and used to attend conferences and all that but he really didn't surrender his life over to the service of the Lord. He shared the transforming moment in his life that happened with his brother one night on an icy bridge. Awakening his spirit in a way that changed his relationship with Christ forever.
"God got my attention that day and I fully understand that no legacy for Christ leaves you with an empty life. To this day I have shared the Gospel with over 75 million people. Everything that I just told you has to be applied to your life and can only be applied by you. No gathering, or amount of concerts you go to will bring that eternal life to your future. If you never come to Jesus with a repentant heart, you will never be free from your sins. If you don't know Jesus, you have no hope."
After an emotional plea for those to accept salvation and a number of hands raised Casting Crowns began to set the stage for an eleven song set list that took the night out with a fervent example of praise and worship.
It's difficult for a band that has been around as long as they have to incorporate everyone's favorite song into a concert format but I believe they gave it a valiant effort. Thrive was their opening number followed by their Philippians chapter four influenced tune You're Already There. Megan Garrett lead a beautiful rendition of Who Am I. Mark brought the substance filled East Is From The West, after sharing the importance of finding your own personal relationship with Christ in the scriptures.
After emotive messages in Voice of Truth and Held, Mark's son joined the group on stage playing bass on At Calvary which is off their latest Live Worship Experience album.
For privacy purposes I best not share the establishments name involved in the story Mark shared. It was about one of the craziest things that ever happened at a huge shopping franchise. We'll just say that it involved a hidden room secretly built together by employees that measured 1400 square feet.
"One hundred different employees would hide out in this room thinking no one would know what they were doing. They had couches and games and tables. They would eat cereal and play cards, it was amazing they didn't think they would ever get caught. One morning an employee was followed in and the head security guard just stood there for a minute looking at everyone. They all just froze, no one knew really what to do, I mean what could you say to justify that?"
You can tell that Mark works with youth because he captured the audience with his anecdotes creating a complete fold into a soul searching punch line.
Perfectly timing the message with the music they sincerely shared We Fall Down, Lifesong and Praise You In The Storm. They closed out the night with one of my favorites, One Day which seemed to be shouted from the depths of each person's heart that was present that evening.
I can't begin to say how well organized this event was. I have been to a lot of venues and things seem to be a bit chaotic to a point of disorganization and the time frame doesn't really allow people to enjoy other activities in the area without missing some important time slots. Everything at Xtreme with a small team of a dedicated crew flowed smooth, or so it appeared from an outside perspective. There are several food establishments nearby so that is never an issue for guests.
I was unable to attend the last morning of services so I missed hearing Johnny Hunt speak, but I can say without a doubt that I wish my church, parents or a friend would have taken me to one of these events when I was a teenager. My path today was formed by the struggles I endured and grew through but I can't help but wonder how things would have been different for me had I experienced this type of atmosphere as a young lady.
It was a pleasure to work with Chris, who was my promotions contact during this event. He later informed me that there were an estimated 1,000 decision cards filled out by those who attended one of the four conferences. That in itself speaks volumes of the artists and guest speakers who were invited to minister to those who gathered together.
Today more than ever our youth need to be in environments like this and it touches my heart to see all of them coming together knowing in whom they trust. Below you will see a few of their smiling faces and you can view all photos of the event by visiting Glorified Pitstop On Facebook.

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