On November 13, 2015 Billboards top selling act in Christian music
since 2007 provides another ministry tool to the body of Christ in their first
live worship album.

If you have been involved in church or you are familiar with Christian music you will definitely recognize several of the worship songs they incorporate into the Live Worship Experience. One of my favorite they recreated live is Here's My Heart, Lord. (Video Below) Written by the amazing Chris Tomlin and shortly after conquered by David Crowder, this has always been a favorite of mine. I have no doubt both of them appreciated the passion the Crowns infused into it.
Great Are You Lord is an original from All Sons And Daughters as well as Called Me Higher. For me personally the versions on this album were the first I had heard either one. Regardless of the number of remakes, both are beautiful messages.
Great Are you Lord, is one of my favorites delivering a simple yet profound message with authentic conviction. " You give life, you are love. You bring light to the darkness. You give hope, you restore every heart that is broken, Great are You, Lord. It's Your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise. We pour out our praise. It's Your breath in our lungs. So we pour out our praise to you only."
If you don't recognize all of the songs you will quickly come to enjoy them with their signature sound and spirit intertwined into the messages. Other covers include Good Good Father which was introduced by Housefires and skyrocketed into the top ten by Chris Tomlin.
Megan Garrett delivers an amazing vocal of No Not One, originally written and performed by Christy Nockels. Some may not agree with me but I actually enjoyed this version more than any other I have heard. It may simply be because I have always loved Megan's passion that she conveys through her delivery in the message. Either way it's a great rendition of a beautifully written song.

Just Be Held was a song that Mark had no idea would minister to him in his own life when he came against a personal fight with cancer. At Calvary was first included on their album Glorious Day; Hymns of Faith . Other favorites you will blessed by include Thrive, You Are The Only One and The Well.
The last song I want to mention is one of the most powerful messages in my opinion that has ever been birthed out of a Christian band. Jesus, Friend Of Sinners displays the love that should pour out from us to those who have yet to come to know Christ. It's so important that we understand we were not sent to judge the world we were placed here to compel them to come to Christ. The live version of this song seems to carry such a greater quality to me than the studio version and it may be simply because it's the heart and prayer of the true body of Christ desiring a movement of repentance in the world.
When that is shared in a setting where everyone is in one mind and one accord there is a precious moment that occurs that cannot be explained in words, only felt in the spirit of the believer. This album is a testament of the victorious messages they share through the faith and love that they embody as musicians. Not only for God but for others striving to grow closer to the Lord and reach others who do not know Him.
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