Christian's, Homosexuals, God and the White House
Anyone who has access online can see how this has brought about righteous discontent in the Christian community, along with celebratory excitement in the LGBT community. I myself have friends I have known for many years who are homosexuals who I care deeply for and who I respect though I don't condone how they live. I also have several friends who are not homosexual who I care deeply about who also do things I don't condone.
That does not by any means reflect that I think less of them as a person. It just means that in my spiritual life I pray that one day they find who Christ desires them to be.
One cannot fault a Christian for loving someone enough to care for their Eternal soul. Whether one believes in God or not does not eliminate the fact that more than 83 percent of the United States alone claims "Christianity" as their faith.
One has to understand that just because Christians do not condone "sin" which is what any form of sexual immorality is, does not mean we don't love the person committing it. That being said, homosexuals must understand that marriage was created as a sacred Union before God and therefore though they may now be approved by a constitutional law to say I do. That signed piece of paper will never in God's court pass as a blessed union in His eyes. Therefore since He is the one who created us to begin with, and our Constitution says that we have to separate church and state; well then that pretty much nullifies your nuptials making it a court ordered governmental agreement.
I would also like to take this time to congratulate Obama on being the first modern day Nebuchadnezzar. You see he stands in this kingdom now decorated in rainbow colors that he has fabricated and in his mind believes the people are actually the ones who put him there and he has accomplished his indignation from the masses all by himself. What some people have yet to realize is that he has created a blazing pathway for the wrath of God to fall upon America in a way that no one in this generation has ever seen, nor will see again.
“Today, we can say in no uncertain terms that we have made our union a little more perfect," Obama said."
With that being said, Christians need to realize that though we desire our Nation to have the protective hand of God over us as a people; the Bible is clear that man removes that covering when we open ourselves up to His wrath through great acts of disobedience. As a Nation we have succeeded at many things in our great history. The unfortunate aspect of our Nation at the moment is that we are fulfilling what the great wise King Solomon so graciously stated himself.
"History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new." Ecclesiastes 1:9When God sends people to speak to those in charge of the foundation by which we operate as a Nation and the warning goes ignored, it has been proven time and time again back to the days of Moses God will not sit idly by and watch us pervert what was meant to be Holy and constitute it as law.
With the blood of millions of children on our hands, greed in our pockets and wickedness in the hearts of
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.- Matthew 24:37
This blog in no way shape or form is meant to insult or isolate anyone. Sometimes when things are written the context by which we are expressing our hearts can be misunderstood greatly. Therefore I also created a video to add to this in order to better try to emote my heart and my concern. Not only for the sake of the discontented Christian, but also for the sake of those who feel we have marked them as "the enemy" of our faith. I will post the video tomorrow but for now I leave you with this.
This is not a battle between the "Christian agenda" and the "Homosexual agenda". It's not a war between left and right wing extremists. This is a spiritual warfare to break us down as a Free Nation and divide us and separate us into groups that do not accept one another under any circumstances.
Jesus stands with His arms wide open on the cross; willing to accept all who come to Him with a heart of repentance. Sin in any form can be forgiven if we turn away from it and walk with Him. As Jim Daly from Focus on The Family states in the video below, God is the ultimate judge. Until then we must love one another and for those of us who are Christians seeking God's forgiveness for our Nation for all of it's wrongful actions ask Him to heal our land and forgive us for not fearing His ruling over our decisions as a people.
This is not a battle between the "Christian agenda" and the "Homosexual agenda". It's not a war between left and right wing extremists. This is a spiritual warfare to break us down as a Free Nation and divide us and separate us into groups that do not accept one another under any circumstances.
Jesus stands with His arms wide open on the cross; willing to accept all who come to Him with a heart of repentance. Sin in any form can be forgiven if we turn away from it and walk with Him. As Jim Daly from Focus on The Family states in the video below, God is the ultimate judge. Until then we must love one another and for those of us who are Christians seeking God's forgiveness for our Nation for all of it's wrongful actions ask Him to heal our land and forgive us for not fearing His ruling over our decisions as a people.
"But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." -11 Peter 3:7
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