Physical Touch Created a Supernatural Healing
Back in 2002 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was found when they took an X-ray of my eyes during a visit while they were trying to figure out what was causing my visual disturbances and migraines. A couple times I was sent to ER because my pupils had a tendency when the tumor would put pressure on my optic nerve to get all spastic and start dilating differently at crazy speeds causing instant migraines and dizziness along with seeing spots all over.
I remember times when I could not do anything for days walking around with sunglasses on inside the house and just wanting to stay in bed just to keep my eyes closed. For about five years they would send me for an MRI every three months or so.
The big problem was the location of where it was on my pituitary stem and the fact it was inoperable. My choices were operate and I had high probability of being paralyzed or don't operate and I will eventually go blind. In my Heart the only thing I could stand on was my faith that God would heal me. During those five years other people of faith questioned my relationship with Christ because I was not receiving a healing. I have always been a firm believer in the Word, and I understand that logically we all will not be delivered from sickness while on this Earth. If this was the case the majority of the disciples would not have died horrendous deaths for the sake of the cross.
I was ministering in a nursing home one day during those five years a message I titled, "Our hope is not on this Earth". You can't go into a nursing home full of elderly, disabled and dying people and preach to them a feel good message about "by His stripes we are healed". They need to be encouraged that our life here is a short journey and the promises of being delivered from this earthly body one day is the hope and promise we find in Him. By His stripes we are healed but take it from the deliverer of those words Himself. We're not promised deliverance on this Earth, we are simply promised He will heal us from all inequity. For some this could be an Eternal healing.
However, I believed in my heart in this case God had other plans. I felt led to skip one MRI and wait six months before going for what I believed would be my testimony scan. Shortly before my last MRI my dad and mom prayed with me and my dad said, "Lord if it be your will take this from my daughter and give it to me."
I went in to see my doctor to go over my MRI results and he walked in the room and said, "Well, I don't know where it came from or where it went, but it's not there anymore." We were all overwhelmed with emotion and I haven't had any more symptoms since then. I was also able to share my faith and testimony with a flabbergasted doctor who had no way to reason how it had gone away after five years of monitoring.
Only two weeks after that celebration we found out that my dad had a brain tumor. It was almost in the same exact place mine was (the pituitary) but not connected to his optic nerve or pituitary stem and his was ninety five percent effectively operable with no side effects. However it was ten times the size mine ever was and it was growing. They told him as big as it was he should have lost his peripheral vision.
The night after his operation he was laying in the hospital bed and I looked at him and thought to myself, "It's because of me that he is laying there, it's because of me that he is hurting, it's because of me that he could have lost his life in that operating room today."
I didn't say anything to anyone that night, but the next day my mom and dads Pastor was at the hospital and they sat and visited with me and my mom for awhile. I told Pastor Tim that I felt like it was my fault that he went through all that, and Pastor Tim said, "We don't always understand everything God does, but the Lord gives and the Lord takes away and he is OK now and so are you."
When I went in to see my dad, I looked at him and told him that I was sorry, that I felt it was my fault that he was in all that pain, and he said "Don't feel that way if I could go back, I would have prayed the same exact way." It was at that moment that I realized the love that my dad had for me. The love of a Father.
I do not think God took my tumor and placed it ten times bigger in my dad's brain, that is not why I wrote this. I believe God healed me and my family knows that God healed me. I believe that God provided my Father with a surgeon who was a Christian and believed God could guide his hands during that operation so that he came out on the other side in one piece and with no complications. I also believe that God did all of this to minister to me on a level He knew nothing else could.
When my dad said, "I would do it all over again". I thought about Jesus and how much He loved us to go through all that pain, to go through all that suffering and to hang there and die because of His love for us. If given the opportunity He loves us so much He would go through it all over again.
You see my dad and I had many a rough patches when I was young. Many times as I got older we had many different opinions on subjects and still struggled to have a relationship at times with one another, but by and through the grace of God we are now solid. He may still want to give me direction from time to time and I have a tendency to buck and kick and say, "Whatever, OK" but he does it because he loves me.
For many of us our relationship with God is the same way. We all have rough patches with God, some of us have not even decided to try to have a relationship with God because we don't agree with Him or His ways. We have different opinions of how we think things should be and what is right and wrong and what is best for us. But by and through the grace of God we learn that He does know what is best for us, and He only wants what will make us happy and give us peace and joy in our lives. He usually has to give us direction from time to time and we often misguide ourselves right back into another mess by saying, "Whatever" but He is there in the end always saying, "I would do it all over because I love you."
I am not comparing my Father to God. I am comparing his love for me to the same love that God has for all of us. Willing to suffer for our freedom, for our peace and for us to live a joyous life. I am not sure if anyone will take anything from this or not but one thing I know is that I will never forget how precious the love of a Father truly is. I have been fortunate to be blessed with a wonderful relationship with both my Earthly and Heavenly Father and I will forever be grateful to both.
Those five years of struggle, to being healed and seeing my dad in that hospital bed was worth the spiritual healing that took place inside of me that I wasn't even aware was needed. When past hurts and anger and bitterness get buried so deep inside of us sometimes it takes a multitude of removal processes by the Holy Spirit surgically removing that deposit we don't even realize needs to be released. I told my dad recently because of things that happened in the past I honestly did not know How much he truly loved me until that day seeing him there in recovery. We were both in the recovery room that day, though His was physical mine was spiritual.
Several years have passed since then, nearly almost a decade and I recently had an eye exam done. The specialist looked at me and asked, "Did you USED to have a tumor?" I said, "Yeah I did a long time ago". She said "Well, you have what we call a psuedo tumor, cause you are still able to fully see where the scar tissue is from where it was removed."
I started crying, and she said, "I'm so sorry are you OK?". I explained my healing to her and I said God just used you to remind me again of the amazing physician He truly is. We all have scars and we all face battles, but Jesus was scarred for our freedom through His blood He heals all. Again, "SCAR TISSUE FROM WHERE IT WAS REMOVED" and yet the only doctor that touched me was the amazing Physician Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for opening our eyes to your Love.
I Love you Dad, and I hope you have an amazing Father's Day!
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