Monday, June 13, 2016

Orlando Around The World

    The tragedy that happened in Orlando is hideous, but what we must understand is that this stuff happens all around the world on a daily basis, especially when it comes to the slaying of those who live lives unacceptable in the eyes of others. I find it truly heartbreaking that this happened to these people whose lives were stolen unjustly in Orlando and left a trail of mourning behind them. (in the same location Christina Grimmie was murdered not even a full 24 hours before ...for absolutely no reason). I also find it disturbing that it has to happen on American soil before we truly feel affected by it. People are murdered simply for their faith; lifestyle; or no reason at all in other countries and we want to argue and debate here if we should help those who are in distress?  Yet now we join together because it happened inside our borders? 

      When are we going to have a sense of humanity sympathetically worldwide? We are all striving to live long healthy lives freely making choices without affecting others opinions and beliefs in a way that would be insulting or degrading to their own lives.  Let's lift up the families who were involved in Orlando but at the same time consider praying for those outside our border living this nightmare on a daily basis. Our soil for the time being has not seen the devastation other Nations have experienced but in due season we too shall begin to see prophecies unfold.  We must be prepared spiritually to know and understand scripture does not say things will get better....not until the Eastern sky splits and Jesus returns and every knee will bow and every tongue confess.

      Some websites are saying this "shooter" was on the FBI watch list for a very long time and yet he worked as a security guard? I am not a big conspiracy theorists but "gun control" is a big story right now and has been for awhile. It also happened closely into the next general election process. People need to be mindful and responsive understanding that this was a "gun free zone" and yet one single armed man in a club that would generally have a guard in it was able to assassinate 50 innocent people. 
      Keep your eyes open folks.  Live life while you can. Accept Christ while you can, God is not mocked. His Word will come to fruition and we will soon begin to see scriptures come to pass that have been at our fingertips all along.  God be with us.
"And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:21-22

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