Texas has got a runaway train that just keeps picking up speed. Thirty-two year old Kari Jobe, hit the microphone running when she was a mere three year old babe. The sensitivity and passion that she collectively pours into the spirit of worship is evidence that she has trained herself to be keen to the move of God. With the popularity of this level of worship on the rise, I believe it is another confirmation that the body of Christ is maturing and they are desperate for that intimate proclamation.
I remember a couple years back while attending the Winter Jam Tour most of the bands were all about getting people “amped up in the presence”. Not that this is a bad thing and not that I didn’t enjoy all of them but when it was Kari’s turn to enter the stage, she acted like no one was in that arena but her and God. She went center stage and got on her knees and began to worship like she was in her prayer closet all by herself. She does not know this, but that was the day I seen her in a different light.
There are many people out there that have beautiful voices who can sing beautiful songs with beautiful lyrics, but not everyone can change the atmosphere when they begin to open their mouth. Some people are just anointed and appointed for that purpose and Kari happens to be one of those rare breeds. Her latest album Majestic, which is due out March 25, 2014 was recorded live in Dallas, Texas at the Majestic Theatre. For those of you who may have missed the level of intimacy on Where I Find You which was more radio friendly, earning Kari her first Grammy Nomination, you will be thankful to know that she is back with spiritual gun’s blazing on Majestic.
Hands to the Heavens, starts off this intimate setting by opening the atmosphere with praise and worship as a congregation awaiting the presence of God to awaken the hearts of those with Hands raised to the King. "Come like a rushing wind, come light the fire again. Come like a burning flame. Have your way. With our hands to the Heavens: alive in your presence, Oh God.” You will easily be touched and motivated and singing along the first time you listen to this song, which is an intentional aspect of the album. It is created for people to use these songs as a part of corporate worship.
Only Your Love, encompasses the relationship we have in Christ and all that we find in His love for us, if we intimately love Him, no matter what we face or trials that come from any direction can separate us from His love. “Your love is overwhelming. brought me to life again, your love it will last forever, in you there will be no end.”
Sometimes we can become tired in well doing, thinking that God doesn’t see or hear our prayers. Often times we think that because He doesn’t say yes to all of our requests that He isn’t listening. Keeper of My Heart, strengthens your faith with an understanding that He is the Maker of the Heavens and your heart is in His Hands. His plans for you may not be understood with the carnal eye, but we have to trust him. “My strength, you’re never ending love. I know you have overcome. I’ll sing when all is said and done. My hope my only hope. Jesus you are the keeper of my heart.”
Continuing the trend of placing your life in the hands of the Father and trusting Him with all that is within you, Always Enough is an anthem that surrenders control. God begins to truly bless the lives of those who realize that in Him no matter how little it might seem to others, it is always enough for the one who is filled with His love. “If I have you, I have everything. But without you I have nothing".
The first single off the album, Forever is the love story unfolding of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus and how He is alive forever. A beautifully orchestrated and vocally majestic (pun intended) delivery of the very reason we have been granted the gift of Eternal life. “His perfect love could not be overcome. Now death where is your sting? Our resurrected King, has rendered you defeated. Forever He is glorified.”
This song is very emotional for those who connect with the lyric and anointing that falls during the live recording. I can only imagine what it was like to actually be there during that moment.
Trying to wrap up into one word that describes Christ is a task not many can accomplish. Majestic, is a good start and this title track glorifies Him in descriptive detail as the wonderful merciful Savior that He is. The Lord of all the earth becomes our friend and walks into the temple of praise and changes every aspect of our lives. As we worship Him in adoration in spirit and truth. “When You Walk in the Room”, appears to be a transfer from Majestic as the presence of God begins to fill the place.
The Bible tells In I Peter Chapter 4:12-14
“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, in asmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.”
I Am Not Alone confirms that resting place in the Father in whatever storms life may bring. “In the midst of deep sorrow, I see your light is breaking through. The dark of night will not overtake me I am pressing into you.” One of the simplest songs on the album produces one of the most powerful messages needed by almost all Christians at some point in their lives.
Cody Carnes from the Gateway Worship team joins Kari in Holy Spirit to lead the worship experience inviting the presence of the Spirit of God to dwell amongst them and fill the atmosphere, flooding their hearts to overflow. “Your glory God is what our hearts long for. To be overcome by your presence Lord. Let us become more aware of your presence. Let us experience the glory of your goodness.”
A true corporate manifestation of His powerful peacefulness, that falls upon the breasts of His intimate worshippers.
Spiritually there is always one song that I seem to connect with more emotionally on each album Lord Over All (live video below) has won that award on Majestic. This song brings tears to my eyes each time I listen to it. When we realize that no matter what, He will never fail, we begin to look at situations differently that may have been causing us to stress or doubt or question the direction they are going. “In the valley of the unknown I will lift my voice. In the shifting in the shadow, I know You are with me.”
Incorporating the praise of people that have for the first time heard these song brings a climatic consuming proclamation of God’s holiness in one heart and one accord. You know the commercial where the guy kisses his fingertips and says “That's a spicy meatball”? Spiritually I’m kissing my fingertips saying, “That was perfection”! By far one of the best songs Kari has ever recorded.
Closing out Majestic, Kari shares Let the Heavens Open. For those of you who love the song Oceans by Hillsong, you will find a welcoming resemblance. Not vocally or melodically per se but spiritually. For me personally this is my favorite song on the album. It’s more so the heart behind the lyric that carries the instruments like a crashing wave into the deepest parts of your soul. It’s riveting and powerful and demonstrates that hunger for God to open the Heavens and pour His spirit out upon His people. “We stand in the glory of the King. Knowing that you’re here, you have set us free. You’re here let our worship be your throne. Amazed by who you are, your presence makes us whole.”
For those familiar with the Jesus Culture, Bethel Church and Kim Walker-Smith, Majestic is produced under the same direction from Jeremy Edwardson. Distributed through Capitol Christian on the Sparrow Records Label , Kari Jobe delivers her best album to date. Collaborating with amazing worship leaders like Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Reuben Morgan from Hillsong and Paul Baloche.
Kari sends a special thank you out to everyone involved on this project for helping to make a child hood dream come true.
Kari has proven she has the tenacity to continue to bring worship to another level as she leads others into the presence of the Almighty. Sharing her faith and her heart and wearing her humbleness on her sleeve oblivious to whether or not others join her in the ultimate act of worship is a sign God will continue to use her in a mighty way.
Not only does she create beautiful music but she partners with the A21 Campaign dedicated to putting a stop to human trafficking.
“I’ve become really invested in that ministry and strongly believe that we all have to play a role and do our part to fight against the modern form of slavery that affects 27 million people and growing. Whether I’m participating in an effort like this or leading worship, it’s all about making a difference. That’s the reason I’m doing what I’m doing at this specific moment—to see God’s name lifted high, to encourage the hurt and the broken and to remind everyone to draw close to Him because He really, truly does care about each and every one of His children.”
I am certain Kari’s ministry has positively affected more people than she will ever know, until the day she kneels before the Majestic King and sees all the crowns at His feet adored from her service and sacrifice.
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