Everything In Colour By Ben Cantelon
In May, 2012 Ben released his second full-length album titled "Everything in Colour". Before I knew much about the background of Ben or the production of the album I instantly penned the comparison to the three brilliant music makers above. It was not until after some discovery that I found that Ben does use Hillsong seasoning on the album. Guitar contributions that aim to please from Michael Guy Chislet and Mia Fields song writing talents which have most likely blessed you before as well.
Released on Kingsway, Ben’s producer Jason Ingram is an extraordinary songwriter who has many well-known artists on his roster including none other than Chris Tomlin. Ben himself is no stranger to the world of popular Christian music. Many of us have worshiped with songs he has written without even knowing he played a part in the creation. A gifted songwriter, musician and worship leader he has taken part in many festivals and has graced the collection of several worship albums. Accepting Christ at a very young age he began to run with God. He branched out with his musical gifting playing keyboards in his first band "Surreal" at fourteen. They recorded one live album "Live and In the Spirit" and one studio album titled "Everything".
Ben was content working with worship bands and creating songs of adoration and praise until one day God spoke to his spirit that He wanted him to lead worship. What Ben did not realize until that moment was while he was working with Tim Hughes in the UK as music director God was designing in him a heart of masterfully created worship to lead people to an encounter with Him.
"Everything in Colour" is a demonstration of the heart of worship that this recently married twenty-six year old multi-gifted psalmist delivers to the hearts of listeners and to the foot of the cross. There is a sweet spirit behind this album that will awaken your heart and has the potential to turn many moments of corporate worship into altar appointments.
The title track, "Everything in Color" awakens your spiritual senses by painting a tapestry of grace and the love of God. The way we see things through the eyes of Christ creates a different spectrum than what we used to see. We become new creatures in Christ and walk in a different light when we have been guided to His gold created by the rainbow of many colors in our personalities and His creation. Lyrically pinpointed, "My life is colored by your love, full of patience, full of kindness and love. The sorrows of my yesterday are forgotten with the joyful sounds of praise."
"New Day" is one of the more contemporary moments on the album that is sure to have you singing along, "It’s a new day, it’s a new life, it’s a new start for every heart that has found you."

Another contemporary flavor shows up resembling Anthem Lights in "My Guardian". Having God walk with us and before us is a comfort knowing that He always is ready to disperse angels if need be for our protection. It’s up to us to trust Him and follow His instructions so that we can remain in His covering. There is a hint of a Celtic melody you might pick up on if you listen close enough. Validating the truth of His word and the promises, this piece builds musically and retreats momentarily to focus on the pinpoint of the song. "You are God our great defender. Strong in love our great defender we are yours and we will trust in you" .
"Savior of the World" will definitely remind you of Sidewalk Prophets and was already a hit by the band Newsboys who Ben originally wrote the song for. "He’s the savoir of the world, so we lift up a shout for His fame and renown." With powerful lyrics demonstrating the soon return of the Messiah to claim his people. "Christ alone overcame the darkness, he’s alive death has been defeated and He reigns ruler of the Heavens."
One of my favorite moments on the album is "My Deliverer". A very encouraging and faith filled song to remind us of His promises and how He will never fail us. With astounding background vocals echoing the glorious ballad it is sure to lift your spirits even if you are not currently facing any trials. It is one that will remind you of the times He has carried you through the storms of life and the comfort of knowing we can always count on Him to be near. A brilliantly woven masterpiece in my opinion, that would make a tearful corporate worship addition.
In "Be Exalted", there is a very tender personal moment you will find if you lend an ear and allow yourself to disappear. Prayerfully sung in adoration and abandonment of oneself so that God may be exalted in our lives. "Be exalted, be exalted in my life above all else, be lifted up. You alone and no one else be lifted up. There is only one true God, who is Holy, You are Holy." If you are not one to buy complete CD’s, take it upon yourself to at least buy this track. Spend some time in prayer with this on repeat and see what God will do in your life, with an abandoned heart.
"Lord Strong and Mighty" threw me for a little bit of a surprise. It started off with the signature sound of a Kutless ballad. It did not veer too far off track from that point which was a pleasant addition. It will flood your ears with the powerful presence of the name of God alone. One that is set apart from the others simply because of the fact it is more radio friendly verses corporate worship friendly. However he does skillfully incorporate a sing a long at the end,
"Forever more you will be enthroned in glory. Our praise will rise and magnify the risen King, Oh…oh…..oh….oh"
One you may recognize is "Love Came Down". Musical components on this song are addictive and there are certain breaks from the melody that focus only on the instruments, which make for remarkable corporate worship songs. That may explain why it already has been used in that realm. Each musician who is chosen to lead worship plays a huge part in the free move of the spirit of worship. This song embraces that theory and is proven to edify. Building to an ensemble with slightly less focus on the music,
"Love came down and rescued me, I thank you. Yes I thank you. I once was blind but now I see. I see you, by grace I ‘m free. You rescued me, all I am is yours."
"Through the Cross" is a simple demonstration of worship in recognition to what the cross offers us. An easy to sing-along song that would be an addition appreciated by congregation and praise team alike to any church. An altar calling heart felt rendition to the freedom in surrender.
"By your blood we stand forgiven you have overcome now we are living in the light of all you’ve done. To everything you are we surrender Only through the cross, we are saved"
A rock anthem declaring Jesus is all that matters. "Worth it All", is a corporately emotive expression of His worth, no matter what the costs. Guaranteed to be heard during worship services across the world eventually. It builds and reduces at just the right moments and has guitar rifts throughout that tantalize your ears with delightfulness. Can you tell this is my favorite song on the album? For me this song sums up the whole of a relationship with Christ in a fabulous nature.
"I let go of all I have just to have all of you and no matter what the cost I will follow you. Jesus, everything I’ve lost I have found in you. When I finally reach the end I will say, You were worth it all."
"Love Divine" is a beautiful love song that encircles why we take part in communion. It builds to a beautiful moment singing hallelujah and amen. I am sure many churches will have their praise team learn this song for times of communion before it is received. Or at the least play it while the saints reflect on their lives.
"You have set us free, oh the mystery of all you’ve done for us. For all you’ve done, all you’ve done, for us. We break this bread, we drink this wine remembering the cross."
"There is a desire in young people I have seen during festivals that is a desperation and longing to meet with God. It’s not about the hype or being excited, God is truly doing real heart stuff."
Some people have reflected on this album and questioned the originality of it. Personally I seen a lot of originality along with a comparison to bands and artist’s that have infiltrated the radio, our churches, our homes and our hearts. Ben said it best in one of his interviews;
"I think what people are looking for today is something real, honest and true. There is so much stuff out there that can be manufactured. You find nothing really changes and it repeats in a cycle. I think we need to have songs that are real, raw and authentic. Within worship music we've found a style that works within the Church and reaches God's people."
In other words, why break what is fixing the broken? There may be similarities in style in message but it’s the message that is working and it’s one that I quite enjoy. You will thoroughly be blessed and ministered to by this album in its entirety, if you enjoy any of the artists or bands that I used in comparison. One things is for certain, "Everything in Colour" paints a beautiful picture of a trusting heart abandoned to the work of the ministry and I believe Ben has lived what he sings which makes it even more beautiful.
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