The One True God Tour led by Newsong kicked off in Adrian, Michigan September 30, 2011. Kutless joined them on stage along with fellow musicians Dara Maclean and Anthem Lights. Each group brought humble ambition to their performances, which led to a night of many people responding for the first time to accept Christ or rededicate their lives.

Dara opened the show with grace and beauty and recognition to the wonderful freedom we have available through Christ. Anthem Lights followed opening with a fantastic a cappella version of the Hymn, My Jesus, I love thee.
NewSong took the stage next with several great performances. Matt Butler testified how Christ came through with His healing power for their daughter that was born premature. He performed their next release, The Same God after sharing the victory he and his wife received in their daughter, who has since grown into a healthy toddler. Russ Lee, the lead singer and songwriter followed up with a wonderful altar call after a very powerful performance of their anthem hit Arise My Love.
Kutless took to the stage to close out the evening with an influential performance of several of their hits like Pride Away along with beautiful renditions of their more recent worship chart toppers Everything I Need and What Faith Can Do. My personal favorite of the evening was the heartfelt performance of Amazed. God has done some amazing things in my life lately and I just allowed myself to soak that particular moment in.

The power of Christ has always been the driving force that keeps the lyrical aspect of these fist pumping performers motivated and cultivating the hearts of thousands of us. Band members include Jon Micah Sumrall (lead vocals), Dave Luetkenhoelter (Bass), Nick De Partee (Guitar), Jeffrey Gilbert (Drums) and James Mead on Guitar.
Before the events for the evening started Dave, Nick and Jeff met with me to briefly to discuss a few important topics to them. They shared about their desire to reach as many people as they can for Christ, their upcoming album release and the importance of family.
Question - So, if I am not mistaken this is the first night of the One True God Tour is that correct?
Nick - "Yes, and so far it’s been great. We have toured with NewSong before and we are looking forward to this tour as well."
Question - So you guys just got back from a trip over to the Philippines, can you tell me a little bit about that experience?
Jeff - "Oh yeah it was a really great experience, we played for three days there and over the three days we saw thousands of people come to Christ."
Nick - "Yeah, we are still recovering from that trip. It really takes a lot out of you traveling like that sometimes both physically and emotionally."
Dave - "Yes, that is true and we have the Winter Jam Tour directly following the One True God Tour. Right after that we will be going on the Very Merry Christmas Tour."
Question - Not to mention you have a new album, that is going to be released coming up next year right?
Nick - "Yes, and that is hopefully going to be available in February."
Question - So how do you learn to balance your schedules with life and family and the trials and exhaustion that comes with traveling?
Jeff - "Well, it’s definitely not easy. Thankfully, we all have wonderful women that support us and love us and see us when we come home and we are exhausted and they know and understand what we go through out here. It’s a lot of different things combined with just the emotion that pours out and the physical aspects of it. So, it’s great to have the support of our families and hear the wonderful stories that people come up and share with us.
We read email after email of how their lives have been effected through our music. As long as God continues to move us in this direction it is the way we will go. It’s just different now. When we first started we were young and out of high school and just ready to jump in a van and go wherever. Now, we have families and kids and responsibilities and you know we want to give our family 100 percent not just 50/50"
Kutless originated their name through the scripture Romans 6:23 in regards to Jesus Christ for taking our cuts for us. Therefore we become cut-less for the blood that He shed on Calvary for our redemption through His grace and mercy.
Question - Personally I am a very lyrically moved person and your songs over the years seem to have tapped into my private time with God in prayer.
I was curious who is behind the lyrical make up of your music and if you guys write about your personal experiences or if it’s experiences you have heard from other people?
Nick - "It’s sort of a combination of all those things. Really we all have been a big part of the music that we write, and a situation will strike with us and we will find something in scripture that goes along with that circumstance and we just flow with what God leads us to write and incorporate that together. I heard a great quote one time, 'If you write a song from your brain it will reach someone’s brain. If you sing a song from your heart you are going to move someone’s heart.' "
Dave - "You know there are a lot of really great songs out there. There are some people out there that just write from the heart, even if it’s not Christian based if they can connect with people on an emotional level that is what people respond to."
Jeff - "Yeah, a lot of people will ask us what our next album is going to be about. Is it going to be rock or worship? Then they will ask what our favorite song is to play on tour. Most the time I will say one that rocks out. However there are times when we will be playing certain sets and I will look around and see how different songs are ministering to certain people. There are other times like with the latest album, It Is Well when we will be playing I’m Still Yours, that God will just really start dealing with me in my spirit about things. That is our goal as a band, to impress that power of God in their hearts. We really have one purpose and we just incorporated all of that into the new album."
Jeff - "Yeah, a lot of people will ask us what our next album is going to be about. Is it going to be rock or worship? Then they will ask what our favorite song is to play on tour. Most the time I will say one that rocks out. However there are times when we will be playing certain sets and I will look around and see how different songs are ministering to certain people. There are other times like with the latest album, It Is Well when we will be playing I’m Still Yours, that God will just really start dealing with me in my spirit about things. That is our goal as a band, to impress that power of God in their hearts. We really have one purpose and we just incorporated all of that into the new album."
These humble young men have exuberant stage presence that fills auditoriums. With the authority we have in Christ to shout His victories or the honest submission of their hearts for His glory to be revealed. You are guaranteed to be moved physically, spiritually and emotionally if you are able to catch them live.
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