Casting Crowns Delivers Again
With their eighth studio album release on September 16, 2016 Casting Crowns continues to steadily encourage committed fans and new listeners with engaging lyrics and heartfelt vocals that resonate into the hearts of listeners. Below the band goes live on facebook wishing their new album, The Very Next Thing a Happy Birthday.
Conquering the airwaves and riding on over 10 million album sales since they stepped foot in the industry they are no strangers to the stage. They became Billboards top selling Christian artist in 2007 and continue to hold that record, while being nominated for and winning numerous awards.
I've always been passionate about Casting Crowns. One of the reasons I believe they have such a huge fan base is because they sing songs based on experiences of those they are surrounded by in the local churches they minister in.
The first release, One Step Away is one of the few upbeat melodies off the album which demonstrates how close you can be to trusting God in different situations. Below you can watch the lyric video.
If you are unfamiliar with the history of Casting Crowns, I would like to take just a moment to let you know that last year as a group they pulled together in support behind lead singer Mark Hall. In March of 2015 he was diagnosed with an active nuclear cell 3 type cancer in his kidney. Thankful for the early diagnosis his wife said it was a miracle find that through the support and prayer of friends and family upon the removal of the infected kidney the doctors removed any trace of it spreading.
We all know that the struggles we face as Christians are just as real as anyone else. The difference between how we handle those obstacles is through a course of faith. When Mark found out he had cancer, that night he began to write the song Oh My Soul, which happens to be my personal favorite on the new album.
As someone who struggled myself with an inoperable brain tumor many years ago, this song brought tears to my eyes as I reflected on the depth of the lyrics birthed in this beautiful declaration inspired by Psalms 43:5. "Oh my soul you are not alone, there's a place where fear has to face the God you know." Thankfully the hurt and the healer collided in My Situation as well and God once again showed up and showed out.
The general message in their latest creation paints the sovereignty in the blessed name of Jesus Christ and how He creates a path for us to restore our relationship with God by and through His amazing sacrifice. No Other Name and Hallelujah are both very intimately presented and certain to be live powerhouse encounters.
I don't think anyone should be surprised by their exemplified authenticity from start to finish. I guess the one question you are left asking is when a group like this becomes so well known what more are you expecting from them on new projects? It's not really like they can out do themselves right? If you have been inspired and moved by their previous works of worship and creativity you will receive a full spiritual meal at this table also. If you are new to Casting Crowns don't hesitate to revisit one of their many Senior Albums as well, you will be just as blessed by them.
The a cappella entrance of When The God Man Passes By, displays the wonderful harmony these guys and gals are gifted with followed by a toe tapping melody. The folk/pop vibe is also sprinkled through in, Song That The Angels Can't Sing and Make Me A River.

"Last thing this lost world needs is someone I'm trying to be, the truth is that He set me free. Cause I'm just a broken man Loving My Jesus, showing my scars and telling my story how mercy can reach you where you are."
There are generally a few songs that pull so relevantly on my spirit when I review new albums and by no means was that different when I received this one. The title track, The Very Next Thing lyrically was a bit overwhelming for me the first time I heard it. "Lord wherever you're leading me that's where I wanna be." Like many people striving to find our purpose in His Kingdom and serve Him through the best of our ability; I often struggle knowing what exactly that is. Though this is not technically a worship song, for me it broke me down, finding comfort in numbers, just trusting Him for the very next thing. Without a doubt, incredible.
For All You Are also receives an extra heart tugging award. As we grow in our relationship with Christ there comes a point where we truly grasp what He did for us. I think many people who ask the Lord to be their Savior miss the part that He also wants to be our Lord. Our Heavenly Father desires us to die to self and live for Him. The sacrifice of our own desires giving us over to His will for our lives. For in that is where we truly find restoration of our souls.
"Your Life; my gain, here I exchange, all of me for all you are. I lay at your feet my broken heart and I find my healing in your scars. All of me I lay down for all you are."
Truly sacrificial praise Crowns displays for all to see. Laying everything they have out in glorious demonstration with the hope of reaching the masses and encouraging all who hear the messages they have shared.
Check for Tour Dates near you and be sure to add this album to your playlist.
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